Full Name: David Benjamin Rauch
Birthday: January 3rd, 1983
Location: Born and raised in Villa Park, IL
Living in Wheaton, IL
Weaknesses For: Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino, Flat Screen LCD computer monitors, my younger siblings, downloading itunes music, the 98 Lexus GS 300, and Kristin's eyes.
Interests / Hobbies: Web Development, Black and White Photography, Music, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Craps, and Poker
Education: High School Diploma, Associates in Arts, Bachelors in Business Administration (focus on Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship), working on my MBA
Current Job(s): Fulfillment and Inventory Manager at Becker Professional Review, Valet Account Manager at Abbington Banquets
When I Grow Up I Want To: Own and run my own company
Quote: "It will all work out."
Current Links: Mr. Wheel Deal, XD Monster
Contact: David@DavidandKristin.com